Monday, December 29, 2008

Tis the season to get on with it.

I LOVE Christmas. But there are limits.

Look, Christmas is my very favorite holiday. I really like how the entire Christian world takes time to celebrate the birth of Jesus together in our own ways. The secular world even joins in for the presents, but I digress.

One of the reasons the Christmas season is so special is that it is kept to within a month of so of December 25. Unless, of course, you are in retail. Then it starts somewhere around the summer equinox.

The official Christmas season for the Tindall household is from the day after Thanksgiving until the day after Christmas. After that, our lights go out. I took yesterday afternoon to take it all down. I find it amazing how the decorations seem to go up slowly, but the take-down can happen in an hour or so. I also think that the house breathes a sigh of relief after all the extra stuff vacates to storage and that large evergreen in the living room moves to the curb (or attic if you prefer).

I'm all for celebrating the Reason for the Season, but the decorations lose their luster on December 26. And, to all those who leave their lights up until spring, I ask, "You put it up in the cold, can't you take it down in the cold?"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well now, I disagree. We're just now taking down our decorations today. I love the house decorated for Christmas and I like to leave it that way as long as possible!