Thursday, September 11, 2008

World Changing Events

As many of you have noticed, I have been blogless for a few days. As I enjoy this life sucking, time consuming hobby, I try to post a little more often than once every ten days.
There have been some potentially life altering changes going on in my world. An offer has been made by a mega-huge company to buy my employer for almost $12 billion. That's 12,000,000,000 cash. While I have been blessed to work for my company for over eight years, I must realize that it is possible for me to be searching for new employment in the near future.
There is a very deep peace within me about this whole situation. First, I have Jesus. There is NEVER any reason to fear when you know Him. Second, April's Mary Kay business. Even though she is just getting started in this venture, she has already blown past other consultants (some who have been doing this a lot longer than she) by being fourth (out of thousands) in sales performance. She has the fire in the belly, and she will be a success regardless of my employment status. Third, God has a plan. I have been able to witness to so many people who I never would have met were it not for this job. God has a plan for everybody. Sometimes we just have to get out of His way.
I ask for your prayers during this time. There are no details available regarding the purchase and my future. All I know is that I have a job right now, and that keeps me going. God will let me in on what I need as I need it.