Thursday, October 22, 2009

NEW BLOG (I don't live here anymore)...

Check out my new blog....

See you there!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Now is the time.

Check this out...

Watch CBS Videos Online

Mary Kay Cosmetics is keeping our family's finances afloat in this very tumultuous time. My beautiful bride has found that this company has stretched her personally and brought about a new era in our lives. I just wanted to sing (and post) the praises of what Mary Kay has done for women and families for almost 50 years becoming the best selling skin care and cosmetics line in the U.S. for the past 16 years.

Monday, December 29, 2008

To record or not to record?

Two posts today. I have a lot on my mind.

Christmas has past and we had a lot of fun. Opened presents, ate good food, and shared our home and others' homes for great times of fellowship. Through it all, I captured about 45 seconds of video and maybe three photos for posterity.

My question is this: when do you break out the cameras? I feel like I am missing the action if I spend all my time trying to "remember" it. On the other hand, I will never get to see Savvy opening her presents while she was two years old. What do you think?

Tis the season to get on with it.

I LOVE Christmas. But there are limits.

Look, Christmas is my very favorite holiday. I really like how the entire Christian world takes time to celebrate the birth of Jesus together in our own ways. The secular world even joins in for the presents, but I digress.

One of the reasons the Christmas season is so special is that it is kept to within a month of so of December 25. Unless, of course, you are in retail. Then it starts somewhere around the summer equinox.

The official Christmas season for the Tindall household is from the day after Thanksgiving until the day after Christmas. After that, our lights go out. I took yesterday afternoon to take it all down. I find it amazing how the decorations seem to go up slowly, but the take-down can happen in an hour or so. I also think that the house breathes a sigh of relief after all the extra stuff vacates to storage and that large evergreen in the living room moves to the curb (or attic if you prefer).

I'm all for celebrating the Reason for the Season, but the decorations lose their luster on December 26. And, to all those who leave their lights up until spring, I ask, "You put it up in the cold, can't you take it down in the cold?"

Sunday, December 21, 2008

The Christmas cold

Ah, the winter cold. No, not outside, in my head.

Here it is, Christmas week, the day of the Christmas uni-service at our church (instead of having two services), and I am wrapped in a blanket, on my couch, with a whopping head cold. So, here is my ode:

The Twelve Days of Christmas...with a head cold.

On da first day of Chrithmath my head cold gave to me...a fever of 103 (ok, not really, but it rhymes, so lay off, I'm sick)
On da second day of Chrithmath my head cold gave to me...two Alka Seltzer...and a fever of 103.
On da third day of Chrithmath my head cold gave to me...three ibuprofen ... two Alka Seltzer ... that's enough of that.
On da fourth day of Chrithmath my head cold gave to me...
four boxes of Kleenex
On da fifth day of Chrithmath my head cold gave to me...
five bowls of soup
On da sixth day of Chrithmath my head cold gave to me...
six sneezes looming
On da seventh day of Chrithmath my head cold gave to me...
seven coughing spells
On da eighth day of Chrithmath my head cold gave to me...
eight gallons of O.J.
On da ninth day of Chrithmath my head cold gave to me...
nine cups of tea
On da tenth day of Chrithmath my head cold gave to me...
ten trips to potty
On da eleventh day of Chrithmath my head cold gave to me...
eleven pounds of mucus
On da twelfth day of Chrithmath my head cold gave to me...
twelve hours of sleep

Alternate beginning lyrics:
One da first day of Chrithmath, my head cold gave to me...
a need for some vitamin C.
a desire for some TLC.
time to rest and watch TV.
comfort food..Chef Boy-ar-dee.
time to critique the Chrithmath tree.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Family Fotos

A few weeks ago, the very talented author of the Moop and Saba blog, took some quite professional pics of yours truly and the fam. Some of the very best are as follows:

There is some talent behind that lense. Anyone who can take this little tornado we call Savvy and turn her into a subject fit for the camera has found her calling. I'm presently shopping for frames (and where in the house to put them) for my hundred most favorite shots.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Happy All Hallow's Eve eve......eve

In honor of the most pagan of pagan holidays, here is a French man with WAY, WAY too much time on his hands. Really, what could be scarrier than the French?
He recreated MJ's Thriller using only his own voice....on 64 different tracks. What did we do before the Internet??